IKA UNDIP [Diponegoro University Alumni Association] established the Diponegoro University Alumni Foundation with Notary Deed No. 4 dated January 20, 1987, as an official forum that carried out various efforts to follow up efforts to establish a university which is now known as the University of Semarang (USM).
Furthermore, the position of Chairperson of IKA UNDIP is held by Prof.DR. Muladi, SH The next period, IKA UNDIP was led by Ir. Widjatmoko. Then, through the VI National Conference, Sigit Pramono (at that time served as President Director of Bank BNI) was elected as the General Chair of IKA UNDIP
During the leadership of Sigit Pramono, the position of the Central Management was moved to Jakarta and the management period became 4 years. The IKA UNDIP logo used today is a work that was created during his tenure.
In 2009, at the VII National Conference, Hendarman Supandji (at that time served as the Attorney General of the Republic of Indonesia) was elected by acclamation as the General Chair of IKA UNDIP Management of the IKA UNDIP DPP for the period 2013-2017 for the period of yr. 2009 – 2013. It was he who popularized the nickname among fellow alumni as Mas and Mbak.
Mas Maryono (Director of Bank BTN), our current General Chairperson of IKA UNDIP, was also elected by acclamation through the VIII National Conference for the 2013 – 2017 management period.
Today, Friday, July 16, 2010, at the UNDIP Postgraduate Building, we agreed to form the Diponegoro University Master of Management Alumni Forum with the intent and purpose of being a forum for alumni to convey ideas, ideas, communication and exchange information to foster the spirit and spirit of entrepreneurship.
With the spirit of entrepreneurship, we promote togetherness between alumni
Forming networks between alma mater
Upholding and maintaining the good name of alumni
Become a forum that accommodates alumni ideas, aspirations and activities
Become a forum for interactive and social activities that have added value for alumni
To contribute to the alma mater and the wider community in the field of development and education in entrepreneurship and community welfare.
The FAMMU Central Secretariat is located at the Magister Management Building of Diponegoro University, Jl. Central Erlangga No. 17 Semarang.
Contact Person of the FAMMU Formation Small Committee
Drs. Sasongko Tedjo, MM (081 129 86 52)
Ariyani Matius Maun, S.Kom, MM (081 229 39 709)
Sujoko, SH, MM (081 229 31 207)
Primasari Yuswardhani, SH, MM (081 326 849 999)
Farida Indriani, SE, MM (081 228 41 689)
Dicky Irawan Kusprapto, ST, MM (081 127 49 74)
Email: fammuundip@yahoo.com