Tuesday, January 21, 2025, APMMI held an audience to discuss Permendikbud 53/2023 at the Higher Education Building, Ministry of Higher Education, Science, and Technology. The discussion was attended by DIKTI representatives, namely Director General of DIKTI Prof. Khairul Munadi, Plt. Director of Student Learning Dr. Berry Juliandi; as well as APMMI, namely Prof. Amin Wibowo (Chair of APMMI), Prof. Rofikoh Rokhim (Chair of APMMI Board of Trustees), Prof. M. Adam, Dr. Mirwan Surya Perdhana, and Dr. Werner R. Murhadi.

In this warm and open discussion, various important issues related to the management of higher education, especially postgraduate programs, were discussed. Topics discussed included flexibility in regulating the number of credits, the use of degrees in accordance with international standards, to quality assurance and accreditation.

Several other points regarding the need for flexibility and innovation in the higher education system, including academic policies that do not unduly limit the creativity of universities in responding to the needs of society and industry. In addition, the importance of an educational paradigm that supports regional development is also a concern.

This discussion is expected to strengthen the synergy between universities and stakeholders to produce policies that are relevant and support the competitiveness of higher education in Indonesia.