Covid-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine war delivers impacts on global inflation, energy and food crisis, and logistic disruption that negatively influences Indonesia’s economy growth. Amidst the challenges, Financial State Authority of Indonesia (OJK) deemed successful in playing its role by publishing extraordinary policies along the crisis.
An organization success in surviving a crisis closely relates to the role of its leader. During the crisis, a leader not only think on how to handle the crisis impacts but also formulating strategies on how to act in such extraordinary time. Therefore, the terminology of “business as usual” could transform into “business unusual” during the crisis. An organization leader who can thrive the crisis circumstances, can be referred successful in implementing the practice of “Leadership in Extraordinary Times”.
Here, Prof. Wimboh Santoso, M.Sc, Ph.D states “leading in extraordinary times” requires a strong leader-he/she must possesses added-responsibilities, quickly executes decisions so he/she does not lose momentums, and proper decisions supported by sound risk management actions.